
Dils&Mander breidt uit en wordt Kwantz

2019-12-20 /// Dils&Mander, een UGent start-up, gaat voortaan door het leven als Kwantz (www.kwantz.com). De firma breidt tevens uit na investering door Willy Naessens Group. Lees hier meer.

DBm @ Circular Economy Hotspot

DBm SM CircularHotspot2019-11-19 /// City of Ghent requested UGent DBm to be one of the visiting spots, during the Circular Economy Hotspot Belgium. Over 60 people visited the laboratory demonstrations on circular concrete. All information about the event is collected here.

Circular concrete video

2019-10-10 /// Our research teams at DBm have multiple projects running related to cicurlar building technologies. One of these projects - ASH-CEM - recently finished and succefully demonstrated its new technology. Have a look on this interesting video: http://www.ash-cem.eu/#video

DBm in ILYA 'Monitoring van betonconstructies vandaag en morgen'

Prof. Matthys of DBm was interviewed regarding monitoring of concrete structures, in the framework of a keynote he gave at ie-net study day covering this topic. Read the article (in Dutch) here.

ASH-CEM inspiratie en demonstratie event

Uitnodiging 2019-09-06 /// Met genoegen kondigen wij het ‘ASH-CEM inspiratie en demonstratie event’ aan. Dit gaat door vrijdag 6 september 2019, in de late voormiddag, te Gent. Klik hier voor de uitnodiging.

Spin-off Geo-Wise incorporated

geo wise2019-07-20 /// DBm is proud to announce the incorporation of its 7th spin-off. Discover Geo-Wise at https://www.geo-wise.com/

DBm in DE TIJD "Don't forget cement and cows"

DBm is working on technologies to reduce the impact of cement on the environment. Read the article in De TIJD (in Dutch).

3D printed bridge with shape optimisation

3DbridgeMagnel2019-01-29 /// Our researchers of the Department of Structural Engineering 3D-printed a bridge on lab scale, applying shape optimisation to minimize the material use. More information can be found here.

DBmTalks breakfast session 29 January 2019

Invitation 2019-01-29 /// We kindly invite UGent reseasrchers for the DBmTalks Breakfast session of 29 January 2019. This 2 hours breakfast session brings you up to speed on the importance of IOF funding and inventions disclosure. Click here for more information on this free event.

Spin-offs are flourishing at universities

2018-12-17 /// The universities in Belgium have created 183 spin-offs the last 5 years. We at DBm had a fair share in this result. Read the article.