
DBm @ Innovatiebeurs C-mine

2016-10-13 /// We are happy to welcome you at our UGent DBm & TechTransfer booth 121 during the 'Innovatiebeurs' on 13th October. That day you will find us also at the Concrete Day at the booth of UGent Magnel Lab & DBm.

10 years IOF: 1250 extra jobs

2016-09-14 /// The Industrial Research Fund (IOF) celebrates its 10th anniversary. DBm is one of the IOF clusters at UGent and contributed significantly to the IOF accomplishments. News@UGentbe. This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

HyperClay patent granted in US

2016-06-29 /// US grants patent on the HyperClay technology of UGent.

Artificial reef @ Manmade

2016-06-23 /// Our research teams at DBm provided expertise in creating an artificial reef for artist Nicolas Floc'h, as part of the Manmade exhibition. Learn more (in Dutch).

Challenging Glass

2016-06-01 /// The Challenging Glass Conference 5 is organized at Ghent Univeristy, 16 & 17 June 2016.

Spin-off D&M incorporated

logo dm2016-04-15 /// DBm is proud to announce the incorporation of its 5th spin-off. Discover D&M at dils-mander.com.

Spin-off INSPECT incorporated

inspect2016-02-01 /// DBm started 2016 with the incorporation of a new spin-off company INSPECT. Discover INSPECT at www.inspect.rocks.

Look back on the DBm seminar2015

2015-12-04 /// On 2 December 2015 the DBm seminar 'Collaboration brings innovation in construction' took place. Look back on this event at www.dbmseminar.be!

DBm seminar 2015

DBm Seminar on 2015-12-02 /// DuraBUILDmaterials organizes a seminar 'Collaboration brings innovation in construction'. This free event takes place on 2 December 2015. For futher information and to subscribe: www.dbmseminar.be. Be there!

DBm @ India Ventures Visit

2015-07-21 /// DBm participates in the ventures visit to India for engineering professionals. This initiative is organised by the India Plaform and takes place 22-29 August 2015. Read more here.