
UGent DO! looking for challenges

June 2020 /// UGent is looking for challenges in the framework of its entrepreneurial activities in education: www.callforchallenges.be. Companies and institutes can offer challenges, which will be taken on by student teams. The deadline is 10 August 2020.

Invitation URBCON 18 June 2020

Invitation 2020-06-18 /// You are kindly invited for the international webinar on 18/06/2020 on URBCON and the application of in in Kamp C – ’t Centrum. Click here for further information and to register.

lifeMACS is approved!

June 2020 /// The goal of lifeMACS is to develop a life-cycle methodology for the structural assessment of existing concrete structures. DBm assisted in this Strategic Basic Research application, which has now been approved! We look forward to co-work with the companies in the advisory board and beyond to conduct this research and bring it into practice in the years to come.

Uitnodiging URBCON 27 maart 2020

Uitnodiging 2020-03-27 /// U wordt vriendelijk uitgenodigd voor het URBCON webinar op 27 maart 2020. Klik hier voor de flyer. Verdere informatie en inschrijvingslink kan u hier terugvinden. Deze website geeft ook een opname van de presentaties.

Dils&Mander breidt uit en wordt Kwantz

2019-12-20 /// Dils&Mander, een UGent start-up, gaat voortaan door het leven als Kwantz (www.kwantz.com). De firma breidt tevens uit na investering door Willy Naessens Group. Lees hier meer.

DBm @ Circular Economy Hotspot

DBm SM CircularHotspot2019-11-19 /// City of Ghent requested UGent DBm to be one of the visiting spots, during the Circular Economy Hotspot Belgium. Over 60 people visited the laboratory demonstrations on circular concrete. All information about the event is collected here.

Circular concrete video

2019-10-10 /// Our research teams at DBm have multiple projects running related to cicurlar building technologies. One of these projects - ASH-CEM - recently finished and succefully demonstrated its new technology. Have a look on this interesting video: http://www.ash-cem.eu/#video

DBm in ILYA 'Monitoring van betonconstructies vandaag en morgen'

Prof. Matthys of DBm was interviewed regarding monitoring of concrete structures, in the framework of a keynote he gave at ie-net study day covering this topic. Read the article (in Dutch) here.

ASH-CEM inspiratie en demonstratie event

Uitnodiging 2019-09-06 /// Met genoegen kondigen wij het ‘ASH-CEM inspiratie en demonstratie event’ aan. Dit gaat door vrijdag 6 september 2019, in de late voormiddag, te Gent. Klik hier voor de uitnodiging.

Spin-off Geo-Wise incorporated

geo wise2019-07-20 /// DBm is proud to announce the incorporation of its 7th spin-off. Discover Geo-Wise at https://www.geo-wise.com/